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    SubjectRe: [patch 36/61] lock validator: special locking: serial

    * Andrew Morton <> wrote:

    > btw, I was looking at this change:

    > @@ -1003,6 +1003,7 @@ unsigned ata_exec_internal(struct ata_de
    > unsigned int err_mask;
    > int rc;
    > + init_completion(&wait);
    > spin_lock_irqsave(ap->lock, flags);
    > /* no internal command while frozen */
    > That local was already initialised with DEFINE_COMPLETION(). Am
    > surprised that an init_completion() also was needed?

    That's a fundamental problem of DECLARE_COMPLETION() done on the kernel
    stack - it does build-time initialization with no opportunity to inject
    any runtime logic. (which lockdep would need. Maybe i missed some clever
    way to add a runtime callback into the initialization? [*])

    Btw., there is no danger from missing the initialization of a wait
    structure: lockdep will detect "uninitialized" on-stack locks and will
    complain about it and turn itself off. [this happened a few times during
    development - that's how those init_completion() calls got added]

    But at a minimum these initializations need to become lockdep-specific
    key-reinits - otherwise there will be impact to non-lockdep kernels too.


    [*] the only solution i can see is to introduce
    DECLARE_COMPLETION_ONSTACK(), which could call a function with &wait
    passed in, where that function would return with a structure. The macro
    magic would resolve to something like:

    struct completion wait = lockdep_init_completion(&wait);

    and thus the structure would be initialized. But this method cannot be
    used for static scope uses of DECLARE_COMPLETION, because it's not a
    constant initializer. So we'd definitely have to make a distinction in
    terms of _ONSTACK(). Is there really no compiler feature that could help
    us out here?
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