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SubjectRe: [rfc][patch] remove racy sync_page?

On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, Nick Piggin wrote:
> You're really keen on unplugging at the point of waiting. I don't get
> it.

Actually, no. I'm _not_ really keen on unplugging at the point of waiting.

I'm keen on unplugging at a point that makes sense, and is safe.

The problem is, you're not even exploring alternatives. Where the hell
_would_ you unplug it?

You can't unplug it in the place where we submit IO. That's _insane_,
because it basically means never plugging at all.

And most of the callers don't even _know_ whether we submit IO or not. For
example, let's pick a real and relevant example (they don't get much more
relevant than this): "do_generic_mapping_read()".

Tell me WHERE you can unplug in that sequence. I will tell you where you
can NOT unplug:

- you can NOT unplug _anywhere_ inside of the read-ahead logic, because
we obviously don't want it there (it would break the whole concept of
read-ahead, not to mention real code like sys_readahead()).

- you can NOT unplug in "->readpage()", for similar reasons (readahead
again, and again, the whole point of unplugging is that we want to do
several readpages and then unplug later)

- you can NOT just unplug in the path _after_ "readpage()", because the
IO may have been started by SOMEBODY ELSE that just did read-ahead, and
didn't unplug (on _purpose_ - the whole point of doing read-ahead is to
allow concurrent IO execution, so a read-aheader that unplugs is broken
by definition)

Those three are not just my "personal ideas". They are fundamental to how
unplugging works, and more importantly, to the whole _point_ of plugging.


Now, look at where we _currently_ unplug. I claim that there are exactly
_two_ places where we have to unplug ((1) we find a page that is not
up-to-date and (2) we've started a read on a page ourselves), and I claim
that those two places are _exactly_ the two places where we currently do

Again, this is not a "what if" schenario, or something where my "opinions"
are at stake. This is hard, cold, fact. We could do the unplugging outside
of the lock-page, but we'd do it in exactly that situation.

So what is your alternative? Put the explicit unplug at every possible
occurrence of lock_page() (and keep in mind that some of them don't want
it: we only want it when the lock-page will block, which is not always
true. Some people lock the page not because it's under IO, and they're
waiting for it to be unlocked, but because it's dirty and they're going to
start IO on it - the lock_page() generally won't block on that, and if
it doesn't, we don't want to kick previous IO).

In other words, we actually want to unplug at lock_page(), BUT ONLY IF IT
NEEDS OT WAIT, which is by no means all of them. So it's more than just
"add an unplug at lock_page()" it's literally "add an unplug at any
lock-page that blocks".

Still wondering why it ends up being _inside_ lock_page()?

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