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SubjectRe: [Fastboot] [PATCH 00/03] kexec: Avoid overwriting the current pgd (V2)
"Magnus Damm" <> writes:
> Also, I feel that my approach with a valid idt and gdt is more robust.

One of my biggest concerns with the current code is that it is not
sufficiently robust, in the kdump case. So I am all in favor things
that improve that situation. At the same time just moving code from C
to assembly doesn't make it more robust, especially when the comments
explaining what the code does don't come along.

>> The big problem was you did several things with a single patch,
>> and that made the review much more difficult than it had to be.
>> Having to check if you correctly modified the page tables, while also
>> having to check for segmentation, and the interrupt descriptor
>> transformations was distracting.
> Let me know which parts you think are good and we will implement and
> review them bit by bit instead then.

Skip the infrastructure changes, and the rest looks like real

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