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SubjectRe: Fix time going backward with clock=pit [1/2]
> > > It's not that important if it's not completely correct for SMP systems, 
> > > they usually have other sources, but for the few systems there this is the
> > > only time source, we should at least make an effort to avoid the read
> > > error.
> >
> > Hmm. If you don't care about SMP systems, that makes the problem
> > tractable. In that case get_offset_pit can assume that acknowledging
> > the interrupt and incrementing jiffies happen atomically (since that's
> > done at interrupt level), so checking whether there's an unacknowledged
> > interrupt is a sound approach. I'm definitely not expert enough to be
> > sure how/if you can do that correctly, though. The current code in
> > do_timer_overflow may be correct for systems using PIC interrupt
> > routing, but it doesn't seem to work in the APIC systems I've tried it
> > on, and I don't have a suggestion for how to fix that case. Maybe
> > someone else does...?
> >
> > It also would be preferable to fix the SMP case so that at least time
> > doesn't go backward there, in case someone tries to use the pit
> > clocksource there. It's quite easy to hit the window where one CPU
> > calls gettimeofday while another one has ack'd a timer interrupt but
> > hasn't incremented jiffies yet. Or I suppose we could disable the pit
> > clocksource for SMP systems, but that seems a bit draconian.
> We should at least add a warning that the clock is not usable for precise
> timekeeping (in the resolution limits one would expect from it).
> In the UP case we can live without the underflow information, if we assume
> the function is called with interrupts enabled and it's properly restarted
> in case of an underflow via the timer interrupt. If we do this, we also
> have to document this somewhere that it relies on the current seq_lock
> bevaviour.

I think it's cleanest to put a loop into get_offset_pit itself,
something like this:

static unsigned long jiffies_p = INITIAL_JIFFIES;
unsigned long jiffies1, jiffies2;
static int count_p = LATCH;
int count;

* It's difficult to get a jiffies value and count that are
* guaranteed to be coherent, because count can wrap at any
* time, generating an interrupt which may not be handled
* immediately.
* The algorithm below is correct in the uniprocessor case and
* if interrupts are enabled. It works because although we
* cannot read jiffies and count in one atomic operation, they
* are effectively updated atomically: when count wraps, that
* causes an interrupt that is handled by the one and only
* CPU, and the interrupt hander increments jiffies. Thus,
* code that runs with interrupts enabled cannot read the
* count and then subsequently read an *older* value of
* jiffies.
* In the SMP case, however, the interrupt may be routed to a
* different CPU and handled there, and that CPU may not yet
* have gotten around to incrementing jiffies before we next
* read it. So as a band-aid for the SMP case, we store the
* last (jiffies, count) value returned by this function and
* make sure that time never appears to go backward. However,
* time can still spuriously jump forward by up to almost 1
* jiffy (though usually less) and stick there until real time
* catches up.
jiffies1 = jiffies;
do {
jiffies2 = jiffies1;
count = <read pit counter>;
jiffies1 = jiffies;
} while (jiffies1 != jiffies2);

if (jiffies1 == jiffies_p && count > count_p) {
* Should happen only on SMP systems or due to Neptun
* bug. (Well, or if you call this routine with
* interrupts disabled.)
count = count_p;

jiffies_p = jiffies1;
count_p = count;


I think this actually ends up producing the same results as what I
originally sent out, but it's commented better, it does its own retries
instead of relying on the essentially incidental fact that it's called
from inside a seqlock retry loop, and it's a little easier to reason
about because it stores a value in (jiffies_p, count_p) only if it
passes the jiffies1 == jiffies2 test.

I'll try this idea in real code and update my patch, and will also
update the corresponding fix for clocksource=pit in John's rework.

> I guess in the SMP IO-APIC case we can't do much more than print the
> warning and make sure the time doesn't go backwards as you suggested.
> If the underflow information is usable from the PIC, we could make proper
> use of it as I suggested and this had the advantange it's safe to use with
> interrupts disabled and doesn't require retrying.

Do you know if we need this code to work with interrupts disabled?
I can try to find out...

> Although to make it safe
> for SMP it would also require synchronisation with the interrupt
> acknowledgement.
> Anyway, the current underflow handling is next to useless, so I guess it's
> better to remove it and just document the current limitations. If someone
> cares enough, he can then do an alternative offset function properly using
> the information from the PIC.

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