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    SubjectRe: /dev/random on Linux
    On Tue, 16 May 2006, Theodore Tso wrote:
    > 3) Investigate the possibility of adding quotas to /dev/random. This
    > is actually much more trickier that the paper suggests, since you want
    > to allow the user to be able to extract enough entropy to create a
    > 2048 bit (or at least a 1024-bit) RSA key. The problem is that's a
    > lot of entropy! Maybe it would be OK to only allow a 1024-bit RSA key
    > to be generated every 12 or 24 hours, but suppose someone is
    > experimenting with GPG and screws up (say they forget their
    > passphrase); do you tell them that sorry, you can't generating another
    > key until tomorrow? So now we have to have an interface so the root
    > user can reset the user's entropy quota.... And even with a 24-hour
    > limit, on a diskless system, you don't get a lot of entropy, so even a
    > 1024-bit RSA key could seriously deplete your supply of entropy.

    #3 is fine if it's out of the kernel. This isn't just policy - it's
    complicated policy, as you point out quite well.

    > This last point is a good example of the concerns one faces when
    > trying to design a working system in the real word, as opposed to the
    > concerns of academicians, where the presence or lack of forward
    > security in the event of a pool compromise is issue of massive urgency
    > and oh-my-goodness-we-can-only-tell-the-maintainer-because-it's-such-a-
    > critical-security-hole attitude. Where as my attitude is, "yeah, we
    > should fix it, but I doubt anyone has actually been harmed by this in
    > real life", which puts it in a different category than a buffer
    > overrun attack which is accessible from a publically available network
    > service.

    Slashdot headline about Linux's weak-ass rng should be up shortly, next to
    the news post discussing what Linus had for breakfast this morning.

    > - Ted

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