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SubjectRe: [OOPS] related to swap?
Ian Kumlien wrote:
>>Ian Kumlien wrote:
>>>Yes, i run a tainted kernel! either live with it or ignore this mail
>>>starting swap lead to a deadlock within 15 mins
>>>I have never had the energy to perform a full memtext86+
>>It would be useful if you could perform a memtest overnight one night,
>>then run a non-patched and non-tained kernel, and try to
>>reproduce the problems.
> As i said, i really doubt that the memory is at fault here, it has done
> several passes over the memory but not all tests. I can give it a go
> though, but i really doubt it'll find anything.

If it doesn't cost you much time (ie. do it overnight) it could save some
developers a lot of time.

> The kernel i run is a plain from (i have heard that
> you can actually compile gentoos own these days)

OK, good.

> Since this is my *cough* desktop, running it without that ability is
> kinda a show stopper, thats why i included the thing above.

But if the problem can be reproduced in 15 minutes, it shouldn't be
too hard to get a trace without nvidia loaded.

> But the thing is, my laptop runs with the same compiler, "same" nvidia
> driver and the "same" kernel ("same" as in 32 bit not 64 bit).
> Eventhough "same" in this case usually means nothing, i doubt that one
> would have a serius bug and the other wouldn't, ie it's most likley a
> bug related to 64 bits or one or more of the drivers involved.
> The only errors i get in dmesg atm is:
> KERNEL: assertion (!sk->sk_forward_alloc) failed at net/core/stream.c
> (283)
> KERNEL: assertion (!sk->sk_forward_alloc) failed at net/ipv4/af_inet.c
> (150)
> Which is related to TSO, from what i gather, but i can't turn off tso on
> forcedeth... (i suspected this to cause corruption a while back....)

If your network hardware or driver is flakey, try compiling a kernel
without that as well before reproducing this swap problem.


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