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SubjectRe: I hope to be kernel developer ,in i386 arch
On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 00:54:28 +0300, khaled MOHAMMED atteya said:
> I hope to be kernel developer ,in i386 arch.

Do you plan to be actively developing code in the arch/i386 tree, or are
you just developing on systems that happen to be x86 boxes? The difference
is crucial.

> am i needing to read all i386 and pentium manual (the three volume)?

There's large portions of the kernel ( fs/* and net/* in particular) that
are largely CPU-agnostic. Much more important overall is understanding the
basic *concepts* of barriers (why you need them, when, and where), and trusting
the provided macros to Do The Right Thing when you use the right macro (conversely,
using the *wrong* macro is an error no matter what architecture you're on).

That, and locking. Understanding locking is another things more important
than the actual CPU registers.

And you need to get a grip on both of those concepts before starting to deal
with architecture-dependent code (of which there's an amazingly small amount).
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