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Subjectupdated InfiniBand 2.6.17 merge plans
OK, here's a quick update on 2.6.17 merge plans:

* PathScale ipath driver. In my git tree at

git:// ipath

The new version looks good to me. I'll merge it unless I hear an
objection to the latest code.

* RDMA CM. In my git tree at

git:// rdma_cm

None of the users of this code look are to merge, and it looks like
there's some changes in the design happening now. Seems like this
can and should wait for 2.6.18.

* IPoIB tunable ring sizes. Still no patch yet.

* SRP FMRs. I have a patch that I like, but it's not totally stable.
I may be hitting target bugs (ie in someone else's code). On the
other hand I don't have any numbers showing a benefit, so I'm not
sure if it's worth merging this.

* (new since last time) Improved static rate handling. I will get
this in.

As before, if you care about any of this, let me know what you think.
And if there's something not on this list and not in

git:// for-2.6.17

please make sure I know about it, or it won't get merged.

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