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SubjectRe: [Ext2-devel] [PATCH 1/2] ext2/3: Support 2^32-1 blocks(Kernel)
   So, if fs creator is Linux then HURD doesn't try to use those

As I recall it (don't have access to the source code here), the
file-system translator will return EOPNOTSUPP if you try and set a
passive translator on a non-Hurd owned file-system. Passive
translators are the only kind of translators which write any kind of
data back to the acutal file-system.

For the case of st_author/i_author, when the file is created on a
non-Hurd owned file-system, it will simply return whatever
i_uid/st_uid is.

Not that we will be in a rush to use these fields, but it would be
good to know what i_mode_high is used for in case it ever becomes
relevant for Linux we would want to keep it the same meaning as

Once again, as I recall it (a bit better this time), i_mode_high is
used for the actual bits that define if there is a translator (and
what kind) on a node or not.

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