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SubjectRe: SubmittingPatches typo
Nick Warne wrote:
> Believe me, English Grammar is harder than trying to understand kernel code..
> I was taught that 'ownership' and 'owner' decide, depending on the tense.
> Fred's code (it's his - 'Fred has ['s] code')). - Here also "it's" is
> short for "it is" (sucking eggs).
> Freds' code. You are talking third party about Freds' (or should that
> be Fred's?) code that he owns.
> Names that end in 's' may not be plural... the Smiths family? Or the
> Smiths' Family? What happens if you are talking about 10
> Smiths'/Smith's families? Smiths Families?
> So, I think:
> Torvald's code == Torvalds has code == Torvald's ['s == has]
> Reference Torvalds' code = Torvalds[es]' code [owner]
> This debate has been on this board been a few times... and with all
> the English masters in there, it is still a little bit unresolved.

I think we'll all have to agree to disagree about this and nip it in the
bud before everything gets out of hand!

> Stick to coding kernels guys, it's easier.


> The fix?
> +Here is the mail Linus Torvalds sent on the canonical patch format:

Ah, so simple, so nice. This one gets my vote.

> Nick


Chris Boot
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