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SubjectRe: My desperation: Oops during mkfs.ext3 on large partitions
Paolo Roberti wrote (ao):
> I've tried remapping IRQs, switching PCI slots, removing unused PCI cards,
> attaching this HD as slave and running mkfs.ext3 from a running system with
> Red Hat 9 (i'd always been trying from a PXE booted Fedora Core 4). There
> seems to be NO way to run mkfs from this computer.
> What drives me crazy is that badblocks (read and read/write) runs smooth,
> so the partition is fully addressable from the PCI controller...

Do you get any output at all from mkfs.ext3?

Can you try mkfs.ext2 and mkreiserfs?

Can you try to mkfs the whole disk? (/dev/hda)

Can you try 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=1k' ?

What controller do you have? (lspci -v)

Can you swap the controller or is it onboard?

Can you try a vanilla kernel?

Maybe this helps to get more info about what you experience.


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