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    SubjectRe: Task watchers v2
    On Mon, 2006-12-18 at 21:41 -0800, Paul Jackson wrote:
    > Matt wrote:
    > > - Task watchers can actually improve kernel performance slightly (up to
    > > 2% in extremely fork-heavy workloads for instance).
    > Nice.
    > Could you explain why?

    After the last round of patches I set out to improve instruction and
    data cache hits.

    Previous iterations of task watchers would prevent the code in these
    paths from being inlined. Furthermore, the code certainly wouldn't be
    placed near the table of function pointers (which was in an entirely
    different ELF section). By placing them adjacent to each other in the
    same ELF section we can improve the likelihood of cache hits in
    fork-heavy workloads (which were the ones that showed a performance
    decrease in the previous iteration of these patches).

    Suppose we have two functions to invoke during fork -- A and B. Here's
    what the memory layout looked like in the previous iteration of task

    | insns of B | |
    . |
    . |
    . |
    | | |
    +--------------+ |
    . |
    . |
    . |
    +--------------+<-+ |
    | insns of A | | |
    . | |
    . | |
    . | |
    | | | |
    +--------------+ | |
    . | |
    . | |
    . | | .text
    ==================|==|========= ELF Section Boundary
    +--------------+ | | .task
    | pointer to A----+ |
    +--------------+ |
    | pointer to B-------+

    The notify_task_watchers() function would first load the pointer to A from the .task
    section. Then it would immediately jump into the .text section and force the
    instructions from A to be loaded. When A was finished, it would return to
    notify_task_watchers() only to jump into B by the same steps.

    As you can see things can be rather spread out. Unless the compiler inlined the
    functions called from copy_process() things are very similar in a mainline
    kernel -- copy_process() could be jumping to rather distant portions of the kernel
    text and the pointer table would be rather distant from the instructions to be loaded.

    Here's what the new patches look like:

    +--------------+ .task
    | pointer to A----+
    +--------------+ |
    | pointer to B-------+
    +--------------+ | |
    . | |
    . | |
    +--------------+<-+ |
    | insns of A | |
    . |
    . |
    . |
    | | |
    | insns of B |
    | |

    Which is clearly more compact and also follows the order of calls (A
    then B). The instructions are all in the same section. When A finishes
    executing we soon jump into B which could be in the same instruction
    cache line as the function we just left. Furthermore, since the sequence
    always goes from A to B I expect some anticipatory loads could be done.

    For fork-heavy workloads I'd expect this to explain the performance
    difference. For workloads that aren't fork-heavy I suspect we're just as
    likely to experience instruction cache misses -- whether the functions
    are inlined, adjacent, or not -- since the fork happens relatively
    infrequently and other instructions are likely to push fork-related
    instructions out.

    -Matt Helsley

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