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SubjectRe: [PATCH 4/9] Char: sx, remove unneeded stuff
Rogier Wolff wrote:
> Hi,
> When you work on a driver, it has happened to me multiple times that
> I forget to acknowledge the interrupt to the hardware. This is when
> the "rate limit" converts a solid hang ("what the <beep> is going on?)
> into a console message that "your interrupt is triggering too much".
> This reduces development time on the driver, which I think is worth
> the 20 or so inactive lines-of-code that this requires in the source.
> Also proposed to be deleted the defines that I added to remind me
> of the possibility to report fifo overruns. Other drivers have this
> capability, but much smaller buffers. So it hasn't been neccesary
> yet. For now it remains unimplemented. But I would prefer to keep
> the notes of the possibility of this enhancement in the driver source
> instead of somewhere else.

Aaah, OK.

> Apparently, someone deleted the call to the word-wide memory test. So
> now the memory test seems dead code. I've had clients call for support
> where after debugging a while, the conclusion was: you may have a corruption
> problem between the CPU and the card. Enable memory test, and voila!
> Proof that there is something seriously wrong with the hardware setup!

Maybe we could have this as a CONFIG_SX_MEMTEST option?

> This debugging feature is uncommon enough that I recommend leaving it
> compile-time-disabled. The other debugging features are compile time
> enabled, run-time-disabled. This allows end-users to send in detailed
> debugging reports without having to recompile the driver, which usually
> costs them a lot of time.

I agree.

> The other "small" cleanups look ok.

Ok, thanks for notes,
-- Jiri Slaby
faculty of informatics, masaryk university, brno, cz
e-mail: jirislaby gmail com, gpg pubkey fingerprint:
B674 9967 0407 CE62 ACC8 22A0 32CC 55C3 39D4 7A7E
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