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SubjectRe: wpa supplicant/ipw3945, ESSID last char missing

On Tue, 3 Oct 2006, John W. Linville wrote:
> I.E. With "WE-21 aware" tools already in the wild, it isn't now clear
> to me how WE can evolve any further than WE-20.

Well, if you get a WE-22 out soon enough, the situation will be one where
people who are fast at updating will have a fixed version quickly, and the
ones that aren't quick at updating will never have even seen the broken

And without any actual release kernel actually having had the issue, we
should be pretty well off - the only people who actually saw semantics
change were people who build their own kernels etc, and those people
aren't the problem cases.

The users that you need to care about are the ones that upgrade rather
seldom and/or need to maintain a stable setup for other reasons (eg it's
not at all unheard of to have a common base release, but then have certain
machines on the network with more modern kernels because they have new
hardware that requires a modern kernel for support, for example: that's
the situation where you may want to have a much older common user space,
even if you have a new kernel).

Kernel developers tend to be happy to upgrade their user programs, and
don't generally see it as a big problem. The people for whom it is a
problem are elsewhere :)

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