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SubjectRe: Fwd: Any way to find the network usage by a process?
Irfan Habib schrieb:
> Hi,
> Is there any method either kernel or user level which tells me which
> process is generating how much traffic from a machine. For example if
> some process is flooding the network, then I would like to know which
> process (PID ideally), is generating the most traffic.

If you want to monitor just specific PIDs you could easily do this with
the "Owner match support" from netfilter. However if you also want to
monitor traffic for all processes that may be created in the future this
is probably a bit tricky. Off course you could try to add a rule for
every possible PID ;-)
Seriously, you could write a daemon which permanently scans for new or
died processes and which adds/deletes appropriate netfilter rules...

Best regards
Arnd Hannemann
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