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SubjectRe: [kvm-devel] [PATCH 6/13] KVM: memory slot management
Avi Kivity wrote:
>>> 2. The next mmu implementation, which caches guest translations.
>>> The potential problem above now becomes acute. The guest will have
>>> kernel mappings for every page, and after a short while they'll all be
>>> faulted in and locked. This defeats the swap integration which is IMO a
>>> very strong point.
>>> We can work around that by periodically forcing out translations (some
>>> kind of clock algorithm) at some rate so the host vm can have a go at
>>> them. That can turn out to be expensive as we'll need to interrupt all
>>> running vcpus to flush (real) tlb entries.
>> Don't understand. Can't one CPU cause a TLB entry to be flushed on all
>> CPUs?
> It's not about tlb entries. The shadow page tables collaples a GV -> HV
> -> HP double translation into a GV -> HP page table. When the Linux vm
> goes around evicting pages, it invalidates those mappings.
> There are two solutions possible: lock pages which participate in these
> translations (and their number can be large) or modify the Linux vm to
> consult a reverse mapping and remove the translations (in which case TLB
> entries need to be removed).

If you locked pages that have active shadow mappings, you could then use
a secondary mechanism to invalidate existing mappings when necessary.

You could even base this on a user-configurable heuristic (give this VM
1G of memory, with 512MB of dedicated memory for instance).

I seem to recall some discussion about having a memory pressure
notification mechanism. If such a thing existed, this could be used to
reduce the guests actual memory foot print. I'm woefully ignorant
though of any recent developments in this area...


Anthony Liguori

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