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SubjectRe: ASUS M2NPV-VM APIC/ACPI Bug (patched)

> Well that's the problem. The issue only existed in the nForce2
> reference BIOS (and maybe early in nForce3) but we still occasionally

Definitely some NF3 too, i've seen it on 64bit boxes.

> see shipping customer BIOSes to this day that have this same bug for
> nForce5 (like M2NPV referenced in this thread).
> Probably what ASUS is doing in the M2NPV BIOS is copying the ACPI tables
> from an earlier nForce2 product.

But the timer override is correct or still broken?

> Probably what needs to happen is to make the HPET check more robust and
> only return 1 if HPET is present and enabled.

I think the problem is that those Asus boards also don't have a HPET
table. So even though NF5 has HPET the kernel doesn't know about it
and the heuristic "if HPET then NF5 and timer override ok" breaks.

I still suspect doing a
"if (PCI ID from NF2 or NF3) ignore timer override"
is probably the best solution right now. But I don't have a full
list of PCI-IDs for NF2/NF3. Do you have one?

Ok that might still break the NF4. I assume it never needs any
timer overrides so it might be safe to include it in the PCI-IDs

Or do you have a better proposal?

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