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SubjectRe: dm stripe: Fix bounds
So you are saying that dmraid should build 3 tables: 1 for the bulk of 
the array, 1 for only the last stripe, and 1 linear to connect them?

I'm not sure where the ambiguity is. Obviously all the stripes prior to
the last should behave normally, the only problem comes from the last
stripe. How else could you map the last stripe other than laying down x
sectors onto y drives as x / y sectors on each drive in sequence?

Alasdair G Kergon wrote:
> But there's ambiguity: should dm truncate just the last stripe(s) or all
> stripes equally, or use some other combination of truncation? The answer
> depends on the circumstances, and so it is for userspace, which should know
> which of those is required, to resolve the matter by supplying appropriate
> chunk sizes.
> Alasdair

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