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SubjectRe: The Future of ReiserFS development

Well, this is correct statement if we are talking about 3.6, its only bugfixes
lately. Altough SuSE people used to add some new stuff
like ACL support.

As for reiser4, we are still going through revision, thanks to AKPM. Chunking
out patches,fixing issues and generally cleaning the house.

Yes, we are rather shaked and stressed at moment, altough I can not say, we
didn't seen it coming.
I, personally, really like how US police acted exactly like their russian
counterpart: e.g. sitting on their ass for whole month, waiting, so they can
declare person officially missing and then just press charges against whoever
looks most vulnerable. Well, probably I am wrong. Time will show.

What WE (e.g. reiser4 dev people) are planng to do ?

Short term ( present + 6 months ):
We will just buzz along as ussual, chunking out patches and going through
review, while pursuing existing business oportunities to get some funding.

Long term (6 months from now and beyond):
If it goes way we hope it will go. Well... We will do fine.
If it goes bad. That is where it becomes tricky. We will try to appoint a proxy
to run Namesys business.

Thats it for now.

Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 01:20:39PM +0200, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
> > What is the plan? Could i
> > migrate from reiserfs to another journaling filesystem? How will this
> > trouble affect reiserfs development?
> Since development has pretty much ceased already, there is nothing to
> lose if you continue to use reiserfs.
> -`J'
> --
> -
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