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SubjectRe: Why the DOS has many ntfs read and write driver,but the linux can't for a long time
El Mon, 9 Jan 2006 14:03:46 +0300,
Yaroslav Rastrigin <> escribió:

> Overall performance isn't that bad, either, but I just can't understand, why KATE (Kde more or less advanced editor) takes twice as long to start
> as UltraEdit in _emulated_ (VMWare) Windows XP running on this same box.
> So, the question remains the same - whom and how much I need to pay to solve abovementioned problems ? and related freedesktop projects would be a good start. There's
a _lot_ of things that need to be done for and nobody is doing
them, and they benefit all the desktops not just KDE. Fontconfig eats
1/3 of the time it takes to start a kde app (with warm caches), for
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