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    SubjectRe: [2.6 patch] schedule obsolete OSS drivers for removal
    On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 16:22 +0200, Ville Herva wrote:
    > On Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 08:52:11AM -0500, you [Lee Revell] wrote:
    > >
    > > Sure, we'd like the bug report.
    > I will try to come up with one.
    > > I just wanted to point out that many people who tell everyone that "ALSA
    > > sucks" like you and JWZ, have really just made the mistake of buying
    > > bleeding edge barely-supported hardware.
    > Yes.
    > I'll happily admit I definetely made just that mistake.
    > Before I bought the new card, I did some quick asking around, and heard that
    > M-Audio was supposedly good. I just wanted better sound quality than the
    > integrated I815 sound (shouldn't be much to ask), and preferably HW mixing.
    > I checked that revo7.1 was supported, but when I went to the reseller, they
    > were out of stock for that one. So I made a quick and unconsidered decision
    > to buy revo5.1 instead.
    > So it was definetely bad research on my part.
    > But I still maintain that the asoundrc required for swmixing is not as
    > trivial as "just works". It wasn't even with i815 audio.

    Since ALSA 1.0.9 (alsa-lib and alsa-driver > 1.0.9 required) no special
    configuration is required to get software mixing to work for i815 (and
    other chipsets which lack hardware mixing), with a few exception like
    ICE1712 and ICE1724 where a more complex configuration was required due
    to hardware restrictions.

    You should never have to touch an .asoundrc file to get software mixing
    to work, if you do it's a bug.


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