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SubjectRe: [RFC] why all the patches get messed up here!!!
Nauman Tahir wrote:

>On 1/5/06, Arlen Christian Mart Cuss <> wrote:
>>This list is also for discussing the patches and their effects, so other
>>developers can see them clearly and take a look!
>> - Arlen.
>You are right Arlen but what irritates me is when I login here there
>is a long list of PATCHES and i have to move all those without reading
>them because I no its going to address very specific issue. I still
>think Patches should be moved to some other archive.
> I may have been selfish here :) .
>kindly dont TOP POST
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You use GMail, right? Beside the `Search the Web' button at the top of
your Inbox, you should see a small link: `Create a filter'. Click it.

In the `Subject' box, write `[patch]'. You can then click `Next step'.
You can move it to a different folder, star it, apply a label, delete
it, etc.

Then, repeat for `[patch', to catch things like `[patch 0/12]', and so on.

Hope this helps,

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