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SubjectRe: [Announce] RT patch updates while Ingo is busy
On Fri, 2006-01-06 at 12:05 -0500, Rick Wright wrote:
> Steve,
> I noticed that 2.6.15-rc2 was released in Ingo's usual place yesterday
> (1/5/06) which seems to post-date your 2.6.15-rcX-srX branch. Then,
> earlier today you hinted at an impending 2.6.15-rc1-sr2 release.
> Could you explain how your patches are related to Ingo's -rc2 patch as
> they seem to be somewhat interleaved?

My patches are for going between Ingo's releases. I've even released
2.6.15-rt1-sr2, for the simple reason I didn't notice that 2.6.15-rt2
was out :)

So I'll now download 2.6.15-rt2 and see where it's at. So my suggestion
is to always pick the latest -rt kernel, and if it doesn't work, try my
-sr patch for the same release.

> Also, I didn't include the other's on this mail or cc LKML as I'm not
> sure if this was appropriate. If you believe others should be
> included, please include them and forgive my exclusion.

I've added both Ingo and the lkml just so others know. As the title
says, the -sr branch is only while Ingo is busy doing other things, but
I'll keep my branches posted anyways.

-- Steve

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