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SubjectRe: [CFT 1/29] Add bus_type probe, remove, shutdown methods.
On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 10:34:49AM -0600, James Bottomley wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-01-06 at 11:48 +0000, Russell King wrote:
> > The scsi_driver business looks like being a pig to solve - so can
> > SCSI folk please look at what's required to unuse these fields.
> Well, not necessarily pig. Perhaps piglet. We definitely need the
> separate probe, shutdown and remove methods for each of our ULDs.
> However, if they moved into the bus, since scsi_driver is always of type
> scsi_bus, we could add separate probe, shutdown and remove fields to
> struct scsi_driver and have the new fields in scsi_bus call those. I
> have to ask, though; isn't that primarily what most other bus types are
> going to be doing anyway? So doesn't it make sense to leave the fields
> in the generic driver? Then the rule becomes that if the bus has the
> field, we call it, and the bus routine *may* call the corresponding
> generic driver field if it feels like it. Otherwise if the bus has no
> callbacks, just use the generic driver ones?

Firstly, having both causes confusion. As a prime example of this,
see the PCIE crap - they implement both the bus_type suspend/resume
methods _and_ the device_driver suspend/resume methods, despite these
device_driver suspend/resume methods never ever being called.

Secondly, keeping both negates the _whole_ point of this series and
the previous platform device driver series - needless bloat:

- the extra bloat in struct device_driver for all bus types,
many of which do not have things like shutdown or suspend/resume

- the extra code bloat in many drivers to convert the struct device
to something more bus specific.

Also, don't you think it's wrong to keep these fields _just_ to
support single case that SCSI wants to remain using the Old Way,
when everything else can be (and almost has been) converted to the
New Way?

Russell King
Linux kernel 2.6 ARM Linux -
maintainer of: 2.6 Serial core
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