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SubjectRe: oops pauser.

>See the other patch I sent which halves the amount of lines needed
>for a backtrace on i386 (like x86-64 uses). This helps too.
.oO( Compress the oops, encode it base64 and display that instead )Oo. :-)

> > Is it be possible to change the VGA mode to 80x43/80x50/80x60
> > during protected mode?
>After an oops, we can't really rely on anything. What if the
>oops came from the console layer, or a framebuffer driver?
Well, setting the video mode can be done (on x86, ugh) with a BIOS call, so
we would not need to run through oops-affected code. But that was the
question, if this int 0x10 call was possible at all. Think of VBE -
VBE3 is the first version that can be done in protected mode.

>If I had any faith in the sturdyness of the floppy driver, I'd
>recommend someone looked into a 'dump oops to floppy' patch, but
>it too relies on a large part of the system being in a sane
>enough state to write blocks out to disk.
Right, sad world. (With fun I await the day someone writes a morse encoder
that writes oops to keyboard leds.)

Jan Engelhardt
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