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SubjectRe: PROBLEM: kernel BUG at mm/rmap.c:486 - kernel 2.6.15-r1
Ken MacFerrin wrote:
> Jesper Juhl wrote:
>> On 1/28/06, Ken MacFerrin <> wrote:
>>> I started getting hard lockups on my desktop PC with the error "kernel
>>> BUG at mm/rmap.c:487" starting with kernel 2.6.13 and continuing through
>>> 2.6.14. After switching to 2.6.15 the lockups have continued with the
>>> message "kernel BUG at mm/rmap.c:486".
>>> The frequency and circumstance are completely random which originally
>>> had me suspecting bad memory but after running Memtest86+ for over 12
>>> hours without error I'm at a loss.
>>> I'm running the binary Nvidia driver so I'll understand if I can't get
>>> help here but in searching through the list archives it would seem I'm
>>> not alone and I am willing to try any patches that may help diagnose the
>>> issue. The crash happens at least daily and I've seen no difference in
>>> running kernels with or without PREEMPT enabled.
>> If you don't actually *need* accelerated 3D (or if you could do
>> without it for a while), switching to the "nv" driver for a few
>> days/weeks would be interresting. If the crashes go away that would
>> point towards the nvidia driver, if they don't go away we'll get a
>> nice untainted crash report.
> Thanks to all for the response. In hopes of helping to isolate this I
> will move back over to the "nv" driver to see if I can recreate the
> problem and get a clean bug report before applying Hugh's patch.
> This crash currently happens daily for me so I should be able to test
> this relatively quickly.
> -Ken

Unfortunately it seems that the "nv" driver in Xorg does not currently
support multiple displays on a single video card with dual heads. Not
being able to at least run xinerama is a deal breaker for me so I'm back
to the binary nvidia driver using twinview. At this point I will apply
Hugh's patch and post any further "Bad page state" and "Bad rmap"
messages as instructed.


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