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SubjectRE: pthread_mutex_unlock (was Re: sched_yield() makes OpenLDAP slow)

> If we just went with "whoever asks first" then clearly one of the
> blocked threads asked before the unlocker made its new request. You're
> arguing for my point, then.

Huh? I am saying the policy can be anything at all. We could just go with
"whoever asks first", but we are not required to. And, in any event, I meant
whoever asks for the mutex first, not whoever blocks first. (Note that I
didn't say "whoever asked first" which would mean something totally

> Other ambiguities aside, one thing is clear - a decision is triggered by
> the unlock. What you seem to be arguing is the equivalent of saying that
> the decision is made based on the next lock operation.

The spec says that the decision is triggered by a particular condition that
exists at the time of the unlock. That does not mean the decision is made at
the time of the unlock.

> The spec doesn't
> say that mutex_lock is to behave this way.

We don't agree on what the specification says.

> Why do you suppose that is?

Why do I suppose what? I find the specification perfectly clear and your
reading of it incredibly strained for the three reasons I stated.

> Perhaps you should raise this question with the Open Group.

I don't think it's unclear.


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