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SubjectRe: pthread_mutex_unlock (was Re: sched_yield() makes OpenLDAP slow)
Howard Chu wrote:
> Nick Piggin wrote:
>> Howard Chu wrote:
>>> The SUSv3 text seems pretty clear. It says "WHEN
>>> pthread_mutex_unlock() is called, ... the scheduling policy SHALL
>>> decide ..." It doesn't say MAY, and it doesn't say "some undefined
>>> time after the call." There is nothing optional or
>>> implementation-defined here. The only thing that is not explicitly
>>> stated is what happens when there are no waiting threads; in that
>>> case obviously the running thread can continue running.
>> But it doesn't say the unlocking thread must yield to the new mutex
>> owner, only that the scheduling policy shall determine the which
>> thread aquires the lock.
> True, the unlocking thread doesn't have to yield to the new mutex owner
> as a direct consequence of the unlock. But logically, if the unlocking
> thread subsequently calls mutex_lock, it must block, because some other
> thread has already been assigned ownership of the mutex.
>> It doesn't say that decision must be made immediately, either (eg.
>> it could be made as a by product of which contender is chosen to run
>> next).
> A straightforward reading of the language here says the decision happens
> "when pthread_mutex_unlock() is called" and not at any later time. There
> is nothing here to support your interpretation.

OK, so what happens if my scheduling policy decides _right then_, that
the next _running_ thread that was being blocked on or tries to aquire
the mutex, is the next owner?

This is the logical way for a *scheduling* policy to determine which
thread gets the mutex. I don't know any other way that the scheduling
policy could determine the next thread to get the mutex.

>> I think the intention of the wording is that for deterministic policies,
>> it is clear that the waiting threads are actually worken and reevaluated
>> for scheduling. In the case of SCHED_OTHER, it means basically nothing,
>> considering the scheduling policy is arbitrary.
> Clearly the point is that one of the waiting threads is waken and gets
> the mutex, and it doesn't matter which thread is chosen. I.e., whatever
> thread the scheduling policy chooses. The fact that SCHED_OTHER can
> choose arbitrarily is immaterial, it still can only choose one of the
> waiting threads.

I don't know that it exactly says one of the waiting threads must get the

> The fact that SCHED_OTHER's scheduling behavior is undefined is not free
> license to implement whatever you want. Scheduling policies are an
> optional feature; the basic thread behavior must still be consistent
> even on systems that don't implement scheduling policies.

It just so happens that normal tasks in Linux run in SCHED_OTHER. It
is irrelevant whether it might be an optional feature or not.

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