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SubjectRe: [RFC] VM: I have a dream...
El Wed, 25 Jan 2006 18:28:34 -0500,
Lee Revell <> escribió:

> > Mozilla / Firefox / Opera in particular. 300MB is not funny on a
> > laptop which cannot be expanded beyond 192MB. Are there any usable
> > graphical _small_ web browsers around? Usable meaning actually works
> > on real web sites with fancy features.
> "Small" and "fancy features" are not compatible.
> That's the problem with the term "usable" - to developers it means
> "supports the basic core functionality of a web browser" while to users
> it means "supports every bell and whistle that I get on Windows".

That'd be a interesting philosophical (and somewhat offtopic) flamewar:
It's is theorically possible to write a operative system with bells and
whistles for a computer with 200 MB of ram? 200 MB is really a lot of
ram....I'm really surprised at how easy is to write a program that eats
a docen of MB of ram just by showing a window and a few buttons.

In my perfect world, a superhero (say, Linus ;) would analyze and
redesign the whole software stack and would fix it. IMO some parts
of a complete gnu linux system have been accumulating fat with the
time, ej: plan 9's network abstraction could make possible to
kill tons of networking code from lot of apps...
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