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SubjectRe: CD writing in future Linux (stirring up a hornets' nest)
On Jan 25, 2006, at 12:14:15, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> Incorrect, sorry. Do you really make Linux incompatible to the rest
> of the world?

Why should we care about compatibility with those interfaces? Half
our networking stack includes interfaces (like IPTables) that aren't
compatible with _BSD_ from which parts of it were derived, let alone
with Windows or Solaris.

>> 1 platform (Linux) _requires_ /dev/* access
> Your last line is wrong

No, it is correct. We require /dev/* access. The fact that we
included /dev/sg* devices for /dev/[sh]d* was a mistake, and should
be fixed, but those are still /dev/* access.

>> You are perfectly free to adjust your compatibility layer
>> accordingly.
> The Linux Kernel fols unfortunately artificially hides information
> for the /dev/hd* interface making exactly this compatibility
> impossible.

We provide enough information for everybody else to be happy,
including the dvd+rw-tools package. What else do you need and why?

>> Personal attacks are offtopic, irrelevant, and rude. Please
>> refrain from doing so. If you don't plan to respond to somebody's
>> email, just don't, no reason to shout about it to a world who
>> doesn't care.
> If you are against personal attacks, why didn't you intercede for
> the postings from Jens Axboe and Albert Cahalan?

Because I didn't see them.

> I am against personal attacks and this is the first time where it
> tooks more than a day before LKML people started with personal
> attacks against me.

I would encourage you to ignore all personal attacks. The people
making them are doing so frequently because either (A) they feel they
have been attacked and are retaliating or (B) they don't have a valid
technical point to make. In either case the signal-to-noise ratio is
better if you ignore the attack and don't respond in turn, which will
frequently cause the offending party to cease their attacks as well.

One other note: Please do not tell Linux kernel developers that you
know what is best for the Linux kernel. If you have a specific bug
or a proposed patch it will be thoroughly considered, but vague
declarations of problems are insufficient.

Kyle Moffett

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