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SubjectRe: CD writing in future Linux (stirring up a hornets' nest)

>- you don't need -scanbus. If
>users think they do, it's either because Joerg brain washed them or
>because they have been used to that bad interface since years ago when
>it was unfortunately needed.

Now you're unfair.
-scanbus does a nice output of what cdwriters (and other capable devices)
are present. For me, that lists the cd writer and a CF slot from the
multitype usb flash reader.

There's one kind of not-so-advanced linux newbies that just go to walmart,
buy a computer and whack a linux system on it for fun, and they still don't
know if their cdrom is at /dev/hdb or /dev/hdc. Looking for dmesg is
usually a nightmare for them, and apart that -scanbus lists scsi
host,id,lun instead of /dev/hd* (don't comment on this kthx), it is
convenient for this sort of users to find out what's available.

So, and what about that compactflash reader? It is subject to dynamic
usb->scsi device association (depending on when you connect it, it may
either become sda, or sdb, or sdc, etc.), and -scanbus yet again provides
some way (albeit not useful, because it lists scsi,id,lun rather than
/dev/sd* - don't comment either) to see where it actually is.

Jan Engelhardt
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