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    SubjectRe: CD writing in future Linux (stirring up a hornets' nest) (was: Rationale for RLIMIT_MEMLOCK?)
    Matthias Andree <> wrote:

    > Of course, I think it's sensible to expect that Linux should adhere to
    > standards (POSIX) as far as possible, and if any precedent
    > implementations that are standards-conformant are found, I'd suggest
    > that Linux adheres to their interpretation, too, to reduce the clutter
    > and make applications more easily ported to Linux. We'll all benefit.

    With respect to SCSI transport, it would also make sense tolook at the
    implementations of various other platforms.

    > R1 I'll just say we all want cdrecord, dvd recording applications and
    > similar to work without setuid root flags or sudo or other excessive
    > privilege escalation. (This needs to be split up into I/O access
    > privileges, device enumeration, buffer allocation, real-time
    > requirements such as locking buffers into memory, scheduling and so on.)

    With fine grained privileges and a nice inherent user level framework, this
    kind of problems should not apear inside cdrecord at all.

    > S1 Jörg is unhappy with /dev/hd* because he says that it is inferior to
    > the sg-access via ide-scsi. (I believe the original issues were
    > DMA-based, and I don't know the details.) I hope Jörg will fill in the
    > operations that ide-cd (/dev/hd*) lacks. (Jörg, please don't talk about
    > layer violations here).

    One original issue was that ide-scsi did cause a kernel panic in case it
    was used on top of PCMCIA based ATA.

    The other issue is that ide-scsi does not do DMA in case DMA-size is not
    a multiple of 512 while is is needed for any size % 4 == 0;
    or at least size % 8 == 0

    > S2 Jörg is concerned about the SCSI command filter being too
    > restrictive. I'm not sure if it still applies to 2.6.16-rc and what the
    > exact commands in question were. I'll let Jörg complete this list.

    If this change had been announced early anough and if there was a workaround,
    there would be no problem. The problem was that someone has a bad dream and
    incompatibly changed the Linux kernel over night while cdrecord was in code
    freeze. Later I was called unflexible because I did follow the well known
    quality ensuring rules that are in effect short before a new stable/final
    released is published.

    > S3 Device enumeration/probing is a sore spot. Unprivileged "cdrecord
    > dev=ATA: -scandisk" doesn't work, and recent discussions on the cdwrite@
    > list didn't make any progress. My observation is that cdrecord stops
    > probing /dev/hd* devices as soon as one yields EPERM, on the assumption
    > "if I cannot access /dev/hda, I will not have sufficient privilege to
    > write a CD anyways". I find this wrong, Jörg finds it correct and argues
    > "if you can access /dev/hdc as unprivileged user, that's a security
    > problem".

    This are two problems:

    - users of cdrecord like to run cdrecord -scanbus in order to find all
    SCSI devices. This no longer works since the non-orthogonal /dev/hd*
    SCSI transport has been added.

    As Linux already implements a Generic SCSI transport interface
    (/dev/sg*) people would asume to be able to talk to _all_ SCSI devices
    using this interface. To allows this, there is a need for a
    SCSI HBA driver that sends SCSI commands via a ATA interface.

    - some people seem to set the permissions of some of the /dev/hd*
    nodes to unsafe values and then complain that the other /dev/hd*
    nodes cannot be opened.


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