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SubjectRe: RFC [patch 13/34] PID Virtualization Define new task_pid api
Eric W. Biederman wrote:
> Hubertus Franke <> writes:
>>In that case, I think we do require the current vpid_to_pid(translations)
>>in order to transfer the external user pid ( relative to the namespace )
>>into one that combines namespace (aka container_id) with the external pid.
>>Exactly how it is done today.
>>What will slightly change is the low level implementations of the
>>inline pid_t pid_to_vpid_ctx(pid_t pid, const struct task_struct *ctx);
>>pid_t __pid_to_vpid_ctx_excp(pid_t pid, int pidspace_id,const struct task_struct
>>and reverse.
>>The VPID_2_PID and PID_2_VPID still remain at same locations.
>>Did I get your comments correctly, Eric ?..
> Well we may need that. For the moment let's consider putting both
> a kpid and upid and the task_struct, and elsewhere. Basically I don't think
> translation is necessary in the common case.

OK for discussion purposes no problem .. what ever is the best at the end
is the GO.
Abstractly speaking, mangling the <container,upid> tuple into the same
long int is an implementation detail.

> However let's look at a single practical case to see how it would need
> to be implemnted.
> struct fown_struct. Every file has one and you can modify it both on
> a normal file handle with fcntl with FSETOWN, and FGETOWN.
> Since a struct file can be passed between processes in different
> pid spaces using unix domain sockets we cannot count on the context
> of the signaler to be the same as the context of the setter.

If you follow the patch set, we do distinguish the context case (we might have
missed a few here and there, as you already pointed out), but going into
the kernel we always take the context of the caller, coming out of the
kernel kpid -> upid we do use the appropriate context.

static inline pid_t pid_to_vpid_ctx(pid_t pid, const struct task_struct *ctx)

> So we need to look at how to handle this case cleanly, and safely.

-- Hubertus

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