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SubjectRe: [PATCH/RFC] Shared page tables
On Monday 23 January 2006 18:19, Dave McCracken wrote:
> The basic rule for pte sharing is that some portion of a memory region must
> span an entire pte page. For i386 and x96_64 that would be 2 meg. The
> region must either be read-only or marked to be shared if it is writeable.

Yeah, I figured that out just after hitting "send" on that first note. :-(

> The code does opportunistically look for any pte page that is fully within
> a shareable vma, and will share if it finds one.
> Oh, and one more caveat. The region must be mapped to the same address in
> each process.
> > I turned on the PT_DEBUG stuff, but thus far have found no evidence of
> > pte sharing actually occurring in a normal system boot. I'm surprised
> > by that as I (naively?) would have expected shared libraries to use
> > shared ptes.

OK, with those guidelines I can put together a test program pretty quickly.
If you have one handy that would be fine, but don't put a lot of effort into


> Most system software, including the shared libraries, don't have any
> regions that are big enough for sharing (the text section for libc, for
> example, is about 1.5 meg).

Ah, that explains that then.

> Dave McCracken

Ray Bryant
AMD Performance Labs Austin, Tx
512-602-0038 (o) 512-507-7807 (c)

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