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SubjectRe: [RFC] VM: I have a dream...
>Perhaps you'd be interested in single-level store architectures, where 
>no distinction is made between memory and storage. IBM uses it in one
>(or maybe more) of their systems.

It's the IBM Eserver I Series, nee System/38 (A.D. 1980), aka AS/400.

It was expected at one time to be the next generation of computer
architecture, but it turned out that the computing world had matured to
the point that it was more important to be backward compatible than to
push frontiers.

The single 128 bit address space addresses every byte of information in
the system. The underlying system keeps the majority of it on disk, and
the logic that loads stuff into electronic memory when it has to be there
is below the level that any ordinary program would see, much like the
logic in an IA32 CPU that loads stuff into processor cache. It's worth
noting that nowhere in an I Series machine is a layer that looks like a
CPU Linux runs on; it's designed for single level storage from the gates
on up through the operating system.

I found Al's dream rather vague, which explains why several people
inferred different ideas from it (and then beat them down). It sort of
sounds like single level storage, but also like virtual memory and like
mmap. I assume it's actually supposed to be something different from all

I personally have set my sights further down the road: I want an address
space that addresses every byte of information in the universe, not just
"in" a computer system. And the infrastructure should move it around
among various media for optimal access without me worrying about it.

Bryan Henderson IBM Almaden Research Center
San Jose CA Filesystems

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