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SubjectRe: GPL V3 and Linux
On Friday 20 January 2006 20:27, Alexander Shishckin wrote:
> GPLv3 tends to get on top of the most braindead things ever known to
> software development. It is, in fact, a one-too-many example of how a
> person who cannot be seriously considered to be a computer programmer
> tries to have his one-too-many revenge on companies which employ real
> software developers and produce real world software. Someone should
> probably put an end to these miserable efforts.

Why does everyone assume that Stallman is out to 'get revenge' on companies?
Is his desire for freedom so hard to grasp and believe that all you can do is
spin it into silly conspiracies?

Why do people not recognize that his GNU project has built significant things?
Do you not realize that Linux is licensed GPLv2, which is also Stallman's

I'm not going to trumpet around in 'patriotic' support of Stallman for too
long, but if you're going to go on a Stallman/GPL bashing tirade, try having
some real reasons instead of moaning like a rock in the wind.

As for the implicit allegation that he's wrong for not accepting the
"company's" way of doing thing, last I checked, most of this 'free software'
stuff was started and written by people as a hobby, for themselves and their
users -- not for companies. It just happens that Stallman's license allows
business and industry to harmonize.

> --
> I am free of all prejudices. I hate every one equally.

It would seem...
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