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SubjectRe: So - What's going on with Reiser 4?
>> Arjan was just telling
>> you that it's not up to the kernel developers when reiser4 gets in
>Well it is a bit. Current status is that we just don't have anyone who's
>sufficiently familar with VFS internals and idioms who has the
>time+inclination to sit down and work with the reiserfs developers to get
>the thing into a generally-acceptable state. Progress has been made over
>the past 12-28 months, but there's more to do. It's a huge piece of code
>and a lot of work to do this.
>So reiser4 is somewhat in a state of limbo at present. We need to
>generally up the tempo and firm up some plans rather than letting things
>drift like this, but I don't see a way in which we can do that.

Yep, suggests [to me] that the repacker be
finished first before it's of good use

"Hans Reiser: Our fsync performance is not optimized yet, and will be bad
until it is optimized. Our performance for fully random modifications
will be bad until we ship a repacker." (kerneltrap article from September
13 2005)

Jan Engelhardt
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