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SubjectRe: SysReq & serial console
Reinhard Nissl wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm facing a similar issue like the thread
> system keeps freezing once every 24 hours / random apps crashing
> reported, but I still have to try all those suggestions.
> For now, I've configured a serial console and enabled SysReq. When the
> freeze happens on my system, the system is still pingable and SysReq can
> for example sync the disks. I also can see on serial console which
> SysReq command I selected (registers, tasks, SAK, etc.), but I do not
> get any output of these commands on serial console.
> When issuing such a SysReq command before the system freezes I can see
> the output of the command on a framebuffer console.
> So, is it possible to redirect the output of a SysReq command to a
> serial console?
Another wild guess: the syslog is still running and writes the output to the log.
I had this "problem" with syslog-ng running on The solution was to set syslog-ng to write
to tty1 as well (now moved to tty12 to not scramble other MSGs).
I was seeing just something like "SysRq: memory map" and now I can see the output below that MSG.

Not sure if that was inteded to do so, but I think the output of SysRq+<key> is better send to the
console directly...


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