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SubjectRe: [PATCH 15/15] kconf: Check for eof from input stream.

On Thu, 12 Jan 2006, Ben Collins wrote:

> What I don't understand is that if oldconfig is an interactive target,
> why make it work when interactivity is not available?

It means it will accept any input and no input (by just pressing enter or
ctrl-d) means the default answer.

> Also, if
> silentoldconfig is an automated target, why make it abort when
> interactivity is not available?

It's called during a normal kbuild and must work in any situation.

> For me, silentoldconfig could work, but I prefer the verbosity of
> oldconfig. It's just more convenient. It's not that things are checked
> in minute detail, but that our builds may eventually disappear (by
> upgraded packages), but our build logs remain. It's the only way we have
> to go back and check regressions in the build process (it has saved us
> many times).

The output is unlikely to help you, you'll still have the .config file and
that is a much better source to verify the configuration step.

bye, Roman
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