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SubjectRe: [Xen-devel] Re: [RFC] [PATCH] sysfs support for Xen attributes
Greg KH wrote:
> What other, specific sysfs files are you going to want to create?
> What is the hierarchy going to look like?
> What is the contents of the file going to look like?

You make a very good point. We have not agreed on the heirarchy and file
contents, and we need to do so before continuing.
Some _very rough_ ideas include

/sys/xen/version/{major minor extra version build}
/sys/xen/domain/{dom0 dom1 ... domn} (each domain could be a dir. with
/sys/xen/hypervisor/{scheduler cpu memory}
/sys/xen/migrate/{hosts_to, hosts_from}

These will be text files with simple attrributes. Most will be
read-only. It is kind of fun to think about creating a domain by doing
something like

cat $domain_config > /sys/xen/domain/new

but there are some ugly aspects of doing so. Likewise it would be good
to add a potential migration host by writing an ip address to

Again, we need to get this solidified before going further.

> I think this is happening as you are trying to port your code that
> currently uses /proc (and file names there) to use sysfs instead, right?
> To do this correctly, you need to stop thinking about file names and
> paths, and start thinking about the hierarchy and relationship between
> the files, which will allow you to create a tree of kobjects easier.


> If you answer the questions above, I think we can work to figure this
> out.

Excellent, we will work on doing so.

> I should be happy you didn't try to post them using Notes :)

Make that two of us :)

Mike D. Day
STSM and Architect, Open Virtualization
IBM Linux Technology Center
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