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SubjectRe: I request inclusion of SAS Transport Layer and AIC-94xx into the kernel
On 09/28/05 18:17, Moore, Eric Dean wrote:
> Can you stop this tirade, e.g. conspiracy theory,
> in regards to LSI/MPT and the transport layer?

What conspiracy theory?

Oh you mean that one _technology_ is in the kernel
and another distinct, radically _different_ is NOT?

Oh you mean that conspiracy theory?

> That is not the case. There will be other sas

I don't see our driver in the kernel, do you?

> solutions that implement discovery, and
> sas/sata translation in firmware, higher level
> event handling.

Yes, and they would all be MPT-like technology.
I don't have a problem with that.

What I have a problem with is that you folks
just sit and watch this, while you could explain
to James et al, that indeed the technologies
are different and there is no reason NOT to include
one but leave the other out.

>>See, I've mentioned many times that the two
>>radically different technologies can coexist.
>>But I've not heard any technical word
>>from the other guys: you.
> I just don't have time to engage you.
> I've got work to do, customer requests, issues,
> etc.

:-) That a nice way to get out of the situation.

I was hoping you'd say something like, "Yeah, the
technologies are different -- I don't see why one
should be in and another not."

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