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SubjectRe: [howto] Kernel hacker's guide to git, updated

On Thu, 29 Sep 2005, Dave Jones wrote:
> What I find amusing is that it was a patch rejection mail from you
> *years* back (circa 2000 iirc), telling me my pine corrupted whitespace,
> that made me switch MUA ;-)
> All these years later, and it's still buggered ?

Actually, it seems better. It seems to be buggered by default, but it used
to be that you had to actually recompile pine to make it behave. Now you
can just disable "strip-whitespace-before-send" and _enable_
"quell-flowed-text" and those together seem to do the trick. No extra
patches or recompiles necessary.

So there's progress.

Of course, pico is still pico. Which I find a bit sad: my editor of choise
is still an improved version of uemacs, and pico actually comes from the
same uemacs history, but has different key-bindings for just enough keys
to be slightly confusing.

Still, that shared history means that I find pico a lot more to my taste
than just about any other emailer editor out there. It may have a few
differences, but it has more things in common..

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