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SubjectRe: [PATCH] cpuset read past eof memory leak fix

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Paul Jackson wrote:
> Too bad that first line doesn't start "Author:" instead of "From:".
> Oh well - I see Andrew already suggested that, and you declined.
> (You should'a listened to him ;).

The "From:" rule has been implicit in my tools for a _loong_ time, and
switching to "Author:" would just break the tools for no actual technical
gain. Not just the tools, either, since Andrew isn't the only one who
follows that From: rule - it would break "people".

So you'd have to make the tools accept _both_ "From:" and "Author:", and I
personally prefer an _unambiguously_ slightly misnamed thing over some
"either X or Y" where X is slightly misnamed but accepted because it's the
one more commonly used.

It's like the unix "creat()" system call. Sure, it would make more sense
to add the "e", but it wouldn't actually really _help_ anybody.

As to documenting the "From:" thing - yes, we probably should. It's quite
commonly used.

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