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SubjectRe: I request inclusion of SAS Transport Layer and AIC-94xx into the kernel
Luben Tuikov wrote:
> On 09/27/05 17:55, Jeff Garzik wrote:
>>* Avoids existing SAS code, rather than working with it.

> No, it's the _other_ way around. There is NO existing
> SAS code.

Incorrect, just look in the latest upstream kernel.

>>* Avoids existing SATA code, rather than working with it.
> FUD! Why? It does _not_ use SATA code at all.

That's the problem.

> Why? SATA devices are discovered on the domain, but
> there is _no_ SATL in the kernel to represent them.
> And libata is _not_ SATL. The reasons are that

libata-scsi.c is the SAT translation layer.

>>* Avoids (rather than fix) several SCSI core false dependencies on HCIL.
>> Results in code duplication and/or avoidance of needed code.
> No, not true. It _integrates_ with SCSI Core. The sad truth
> is that SCSI Core knows only HCIL.

That's something that needs fixing, for SAS.

> I repeat again that I had this code _long_ before Christoph
> ever dreamt up SAS. And he got my code via James B sometime
> before OLS this year. I think he got it July 12, 2005.
> The question is: why didn't _he_ use the solution already
> available?

Because it has the problems listed time and again.

> You have to understand the differences between MPT and open
> transport architecture.
> At some point I thought Christoph seemed to have understood it.
> Now I'm not sure any more.
> Now since the open transport solution completely encompasses
> and _absolves_ MPT, it is not hard for an MPT driver to
> generate a bunch of events and use that infrastructure.

The SAS transport class is designed to support both firmware-based
devices like MPT, and non-firmware devices such as Adaptec.

Sure it might need patches -- send patches, work with people, rather
than ignoring existing work.

>>* Maintainer reminds me of my ATA mentor, Andre Hedrick: knows his
>>shit, but has difficulties working with the community. May need a
>>filter if we want long term maintenance to continue.
> I take offence in your liking me to Andre -- I don't know
> Andre personally, but is seems that you're expressing personal
> opinion against him, against me and labeling me in some way.
> I take offence in that, Jeff.
> Why are you making this a _political_ and personal game?
> All you're doing is trying to aliken me to someone and
> brandish me as someone I'm not.
> This is rude, offensive and done in desperation.
> Shall we concentrate on the _technical_ part of
> the argument?
> I repeat again: _technical_ part of the argument.

We've been over the technical stuff time and again. That's the
maintainer problem. We need someone who will listen to the community.

>>Easy path: make Adaptec's solution a block driver, which allows it to
>>sidestep all the "doesn't play well with others" issues. Still an
> What _exactly_ does it mean "don't play well with others"?

It means not taking feedback, and working around rather than with the
SCSI core.

>>Adaptec-only solution, but at least its in a separate playpen.
> I'm sure James Bottomley will move from SCSI Core to the block
> layer as he did for IDR. hehehe :-)
> And no, it is not Adaptec's only solution. Your BCM8603 SAS
> LLDD when you write it could use it without any problems.
>>Hard path: Update the SCSI core and libata to work with SATA+SAS
>>hardware such as Adaptec's.
> Cannot do for libata -- ever. Why? You know best: because
> libata uses direct access to the hardware! There is no
> layered architecture.

Then you don't understand the ->qc_{prep,issue} hooks. That should get
you 90% of the way there, if not 99%.

> What you need to do is to write a SATL layer, just as you can
> see in SAT-r6, page 2, Figure 3. I'm on top of this already.

Re-read libata-scsi.c, and submit any patches you feel are needed.

> The code doesn't alter Linux SCSI or anyone else's behaviour.
> It only _provides_ SAS support to the kernel.

That's one of the problems: It should update the SCSI core.


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