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SubjectRe: [RFC PATCH] New SA_NOPRNOTIF sigaction flag
On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 08:45:07 MDT, "Davda, Bhavesh P (Bhavesh)" said:

> Then propose an alternative way where a real-time (SCHED_FIFO/SCHED_RR)
> CPU bound application getting lots of SEGVs for normal operation doesn't

If it's RT, *and* CPU-bound, *and* tossing enough SEGV's to matter, it's a
train wreck waiting to happen. If something attaches to that locomotive
with a ptrace(), making sure that a SEGV doesn't cause a priority inversion
merely delays the wreck until the *next* thing the debugger is interested in.
What's *next*, prohibit the overhead of whatever "stop at" or "trace value"
command the debugger has? By the time you clean all of that stuff up, you're
basically left with "why bother allowing a ptrace()?".
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