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SubjectRe: In-kernel graphics subsystem
> We are a group of three undergrad CS students, almost ready to start our senior project. We have this idea of integrating a graphics subsystem with the kernel and doing away with the X server. We are not really sure if this is a wise thing to do. It hasn't been done before. Your comments on this idea will be very helpful.

This isn't a good idea, the whole idea of dumping the X server has
been done to death, you might notice we still have an X server... as
mentioned fbui and also DirectFB does a lot of things (not all

What might be an interesting side project that is fairly self
contained would be a userspace console with full support for
international languages and Unicode/UTF-8 rendering, using
freetype/xft code. Jon Smirl suggests this in his paper and I've
thought it would be an interesting idea to implement at some point,

You could sit it on top of OpenGL or directly on the drm/fbdev layers
(probably a bit harder) an OpenGL rendered console would be a good
enough start I suppose...

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