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SubjectRe: [Patch] Support UTF-8 scripts
On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 06:54 +0200, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
> Bernd Petrovitsch wrote:
> >>The specific feature I get is that when I pass a file starting
> >>with <utf8sig>#! to execve, Linux will execute the file following
> >>the #!. In what way do I get this feature for text in general?
> >>And if I do, why is that a problem?
> >
> > After applying this patch it seems that "Linux" is supporting this
> > marker officially in general - especially if the kernel supports it.
> What makes it seem so? That binfmt_script supports a certain convention
> doesn't mean that all other programs also somehow need to support that
> convention - and certainly not in the same way.

We will see how it develops. Actually the marker could be used to detect
endianness of the file if I read below URL correctly ....

> > I suppose the next kernel patch is to support Win-like CR-LF sequences
> > (which is not the case AFAIK).
> What makes you suppose that? I have no plans to submit such a patch.

No need to. Other people tried already.

> This reasoning is just flawed: it is like saying to a web browser
> developer: "don't _support_ XHTML, because there are so many tools
> which use HTML 4".

No, the saying was more: "don't support XHTML since it may break HTML
compliant browsers."
For XHTML/HTML we all know that this is not the case, so the comparison
is flawed.

> > Apparently I have to repeat: If you do `cat a.txt b.txt >c.txt` where
> > a.txt and b.txt have this marker, then c.txt have the marker of b.txt
> > somewhere in the middle. Does this make sense in anyway?
> Indeed, it does. There is nothing inherently wrong with having
> the marker in the middle.
> > How do I get rid of the marker in the middle transparently?

---- snip ----
In that case, any U+FEFF occurring in the middle of the file can be
ignored, or treated as an error.
---- snip ----
Well, this doesn't sound like an clear rule stating that it *must* be
---- snip ----
Q: How I should deal with BOMs?
3. Some byte oriented protocols expect ASCII characters at the beginning
of a file. If UTF-8 is used with these protocols, use of the BOM as
encoding form signature should be avoided.
---- snip ----
Voila. Avoid the BOM in your scripts and be done.

> > It depends on the definition of "character". There are other standards
> > which define "character" as "byte".
> Certainly. However, you specifically talked about 'wc -c', and, in
> wc(1), atleast in the implementation commonly used on Linux, characters
> and bytes are not the same.

Yes, now since multi-byte character sets gets more commonly used.
However, I don't think you get this into the C standard. But we are now
far off the discussion ....

> >>It depends on the editor I use, of course
> >
> > No, more on the OS the editor runs on.
> You talked about Windows specifically. On Windows, most editors give you
> the choice of chosing the line ending, and will preserve whatever line
> ending they find when adding new lines to a file.

I belive this vor vim, emacs, etc. but I don't believe ir for the native
ones ...

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