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SubjectRe: [PATCH 2.6.13 14/14] sas-class: SCSI Host glue

You misspelled my email address:
It is not "",

It is "".

P.S. I've added a CC to the correct address and left
the mistaken one in.

On 09/10/05 09:08, Arjan van de Ven wrote:
>>No self respecting SAS chip would not do 64 bit DMA, or have an sg tablesize
>>or any other limitation.
> yet... there will be :)
>>Naturally, aic94xx has _no limitations_. :-) But hey, our hardware just
>>kicks a*s!
> if it has no such limits then it indeed does!
>>(Oh, I know, the solution you're paid to push into the kernel
>>doesn't need those since it does all SAS in the firmware.)
> I think you are way out of line here. James is very prudent in
> separating his job at SteelEye and his maintainership.
>>Hmm, lets see:
>>I posted today, a _complete_ solution, 1000 years ahead of this
>>"embryonic SAS class" you speak of.
> yet you post this without having had ANY discussion or earlier reviews
> in the recent months. IN fact to the outside world it looks like you sat
> on this code for a long time for competative reasons and just posted it
> now that Christoph is getting his layer finished.
>>Furthermore, why do you want to use a downgrade solution?
>>The answer is simple:
>> After "emd", Dell (Hi Matt!) learned quickly that if they want something
>>in SCSI Core, they have to hire the people who _make_the_decisions_ what
>>goes in and stays out of SCSI Core, to write that something, irrespectively
> well EMD's failure was 100% Adaptecs fault. Adaptec was warned EARLY ON
> that a dmraid like solution was going to be needed. It was just that
> Adaptec decided to ignore this advice (and focus only on 2.4 and ignore
> 2.6 entirely) that caused Adaptec to waste all the time and money on it.
>>So as long as *you are on their payroll*, what are you discussing here
> James is paid by SteelEye. Not by Dell or LSI.
>>with me? *You have an agenda*!
> so do you.
>>I long for the days of the previous maintainer.
> What previous maintainer?

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