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SubjectRe: multiple independent keyboard kernel support
Vojtech Pavlik wrote:

>On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 01:28:25PM +0200, Zoltan Szecsei wrote:
>>Hi All,
>>The archives & FAQs on this subject stop at December 2003. Google not
>>much help either (prob. due to my keyword choices)
>>I gather the only way to do this is via the ruby patch.
>>(When) Will there ever be native kernel (and maybe XFree) support for
>>multiple independent keyboards?
>The kernel console is unlikely to ever going to have that - noone is
>interested in changing the console subsystem.
Ah, rats! :-(

>The current state of input device support in the kernel, however, allows
>any userspace program to access them independently, including keyboards.
>That means multi-user X and possibly a userspace console implementation
>(Jon Smirl is planning one) has no barriers in the kernel input device
Do you have an email address so that I can keep in touch with him?

>implementation keeping it from proceeding.
>The problems with multiple VGA cards, etc, are much harder to solve,
That's a surprise - barring the keyboard issue, I thought I was close to
getting it working on my SuSE 9.3 using 2 mice, onboard 915G graphics
and an old TSENG Labs ET6000.
Maybe I had further to go than I realised :-(

>>The ruby patch seems to also only have discussions older than 18 months.
>>Has there really been no progress in the last 18 months?
>>I would prefer to see "official and permanent" support for this as then
>>when HW & drivers & kernels develop in the future, this capability will
>>always be (immediately) available - and not have to wait for patches.
>Many people would like that. But not many enough to make it happen, at
>least not until now.
Ah cool - there's hope - any pointers on how I can get a counter or
lobby group going? :-)

Thanks for taking time to reply.



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