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SubjectRe: Real-Time Preemption -RT-V0.7.51-17 - Keyboard Problems
Ingo Molnar wrote:
> * K.R. Foley <> wrote:
>>I have an issue with keys VERY SPORADICALLY repeating, SOMETIMES, when
>>running the RT patches. The problem manifests itself as if the key
>>were stuck but happens far too quickly for that to be the case. I
>>realize that the statements above are far from scientific, but I can't
>>seem to narrow it down further. 2.6.12 doesn't seem to have the
>>problem at all, only when running the RT patches. It SEEMS to have
>>gotten worse lately. I am attaching my config as well as the output
>>from lspci.
>>Adjusting the delay in the keyboard repeat seems to help. Any ideas?
> hm. Would be nice to somehow find a condition that triggers it. One
> possibility is that something else is starving the keyboard handling
> path. Right now it's handled via workqueues, which live in keventd. Do
> things improve if you chrt keventd up to prio 99? Also i'd chrt the
> keyboard IRQ thread up to prio 99 too.

I would like very much to come up with a condition that causes it.
Unfortunately, the only event that I know of that is associated with
this typing. :-) There does not seem to be a method to the madness.

As for bumping the priorities, I tried them all, at least the ones
mentioned above. I also tried the timer just for grins, after changing
the keyboard repeat delay seemed to help a bit. None of them seemed to
help, at least not for an extended period of time.

> the other possibility is some IRQ handling bug - those are usually
> specific to the IRQ controller, so try turning off (or on) the IO-APIC
> [if the box has an IO-APIC], does that change anything?

You may be on to something here. Booting with noapic SEEMS to help.

> Ingo

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